Step Legal Praised For Their Care And Compassion By Accident Victim Who Was So Traumatized They Nearly Abandoned Their Claim For Compensation
It is never easy to revisit a painful event in your past and particularly one that has had life changing consequences. Memories that you have tried to suppress can come flooding back and feelings of anxiety and stress can become so heightened it is difficult not to get overwhelmed.
Little wonder then that accident victims often find it hard to talk about their experiences and even more so with a lawyer who will need a lot of detail where there is a desire to seek compensation.
As Director of Step Legal, and a solicitor in our personal injury team, Abid Hussain, explains:
“Helping a client to overcome their fears can be a real challenge and is something that requires patience, understanding and expertise. There is no magic wand that any lawyer can wave to make talking about an accident in which someone has been injured any less traumatic, but there is much that can be done to make the process more comfortable and easier to deal with.”
The importance of choosing your lawyer carefully
When choosing a lawyer, it is important to not just think about the experience they have but also how sensitive and empathic they are, as this will be crucial in helping you to get through the claims process and in providing you with the emotional support that you will undoubtedly need.
Every lawyer is different and it is important to find someone that you feel comfortable with.
This is something that a client of ours found out recently when they contacted a number of law firms after being injured in a serious accident that was not their fault, and which ultimately resulted in them selecting Abid as their lawyer of choice.
Client testimonial
Due to the catastrophic nature of the injuries that the client sustained, they have asked that details of their case be kept confidential. However, they have agreed to reveal that the accident they were involved in left them deeply distressed and in need of constant help and reassurance.
Their claim was settled towards the end of last year for close to £1 million and this is what they had to say about Abid and the service that they received:
“Abid was brilliant, he really was. He understood how difficult things were and how important it was to provide breathing space whenever needed. He knew that, given the nature of my injuries, I would have good days as well as bad, and that there would even be occasions where I felt that I could not go on and where I was tempted to throw in the towel and walk away.”
“He took my concerns and vulnerabilities seriously and did everything he could to support me. This included handling my claim with the sensitivity that I needed, arranging for me to work with a rehabilitation specialist to boost my chances of making a recovery and organizing for me to see a private psychotherapist to help me cope with my anxiety and other psychological issues.”
“Aside from having to attend some initial meetings and medical appointments, he ensured that I was not asked to do anything that I might find too distressing and indeed tried to avoid troubling me at all unless it was absolutely necessary. I cannot tell you how vital this was in ensuring that I remained in a good and positive frame of mind and how reassuring it was to know that I could continue to focus on getting better, because Abid was there in the background working hard to get me the physical and emotional help that I needed and the compensation that I deserved.”
“I really am lucky to have had him by my side, and the thing is, I was actually in two minds about which law firm to appoint when I initially decided to bring a claim, and it was only because Abid was recommended to me by another solicitor that I decided to choose him as the lawyer for me.”
“The service I received from Abid really was first class and I would have no hesitation in recommending him, particularly to anyone who has suffered a serious injury and who is in need of a solicitor who is not only an expert at what they do, but who also goes out of their way to treat you with care, compassion, understanding, patience and respect.”
Contact us
If you need help to make a personal injury claim, then please call us now on 0800 195 6412 for a free, no obligation consultation.