£250,000 Secured for a Forklift Truck Driver Injured at Work
When we secured £250,000 for a forklift truck driver badly injured at work after a colleague drove into him at speed while carrying 1.5 tonnes of transmission units, we knew that the compensation would make a huge difference to his life.
However, it was not until we spoke with his partner recently that we realised fully just how essential the money would be in providing them with a financial security net as they struggle to come to terms with the devastating impact of his injuries which have left him in constant pain, unable to work and clinically depressed.
Abid Hussain, an experienced lawyer in our accidents at work team who dealt with the case explains more:
“When the client came to see us, we knew that the likelihood of him being able to work again was low and that the road to recovery would be a very long one.”
“He had suffered a severe spinal injury which surgery had failed to address, together with damage to his peripheral nervous system which had triggered acute headaches, chronic back and neck pain, a loss of sensation in his left leg, permanent tinnitus in both ears and the onset of complex psychological problems.”
“He had a lot to deal with and worries about how he and his partner would cope financially while he was out of action were playing heavily on his mind, which is why not long after the accident he came to see us.”
“Having spoken to the client’s partner recently, it was heart breaking to hear how difficult life continues to be for them as they try to explore treatment options to address the chronic pain and mental health problems the client still suffers from.”
“However, it was also comforting to be told that as a result of the compensation we managed to secure, they now feel able to access the help they need and to focus on trying to improve their situation rather than fretting over how to make ends meet.”
So how did we ensure that the client got the compensation he deserved?
Doing the Sums
When calculating the value of the client’s claim, we needed to consider:
- the severity of the injuries and the pain and suffering they had caused;
- the impact the injuries had had on the client’s quality of life;
- the impact the injuries had had (and would continue to have) on his finances;
- the likelihood of the client making a full or partial recovery; and
- the cost of any ongoing care he might require.
Taking all of these things into account, the target payout figure we arrived at was £250,000.
Persuading the Employer to Pay
Given the circumstances in which the accident occurred, the client’s employer was quick to admit liability and to acknowledge that compensation was due. However, they felt we had overvalued the claim and that a figure of £200,000 was more apt.
We disagreed and advised the client to stick to his guns, knowing that we could more than justify the amount sought through compelling medical and financial evidence.
A battle of the wills commenced, which ultimately saw our client emerge victorious when the employer and their insurer finally conceded and agreed to pay us what we asked.
What does the Client think about the Service he received?
When we rang the client to see how he was doing, he was asleep following a long session with an acupuncturist who was trying to help him with his ongoing neck pain. We therefore spoke to his partner who was there to support him every step of the way. This is what she had to say:
“From the moment we met Abid and his team, we knew that we were in safe hands.”
“You could tell that they genuinely cared about what we had been through and were committed to getting us the compensation we deserved, no matter what it took.”
“The process of making a claim was clearly explained to us and any questions we had as the case progressed were answered quickly and honestly.”
“We were free to drop into their offices in Crewe whenever we wanted to, and actually that proved to be invaluable and is one of the reasons that we chose to use a local solicitor rather than someone based miles away or who we could only talk to over the telephone or via email.”
“Overall, we have felt wonderfully supported during what has been a very difficult and stressful time and we really cannot thank Abid and his team enough for the care, compassion, patience and professionalism they have shown, and while it is true that no amount of compensation can ever make up for what we have been through and the challenges that lie ahead, the money we have received will make our life much easier than it might otherwise have been and for that we will always be grateful.”
Do you need help following an Accident at Work?
If you need help to make a personal injury claim following an accident at work, why not contact Abid on 0800 1956412 to see if he can assist? Alternatively, why not pop into our offices and ask to speak to a member of our team?